# Repositories

Shosetsu has repositories that provide extensions and libraries for its core functionality.

Adding Extensions

If you are coming here from Shosetsu on the Google Play Store, Read the instructions for adding repositories and then copy a link from known repositories to use as the repository URL.

# Known Repositories

These are a list of known shosetsu repositories.

Notice, these links will lead to 404s usually, this is because they are not meant to be traversed by a browser. Ignore the 404 and add the URL anyways.

Author URL Notable Sources
ShosetsuOrg Link (opens new window) Shosetsu Universe*
ShosetsuOrg Link (opens new window) Mirror of Universe*
Noaione Link (opens new window) N/A
jobobby04 Link (opens new window) ArchiveOfOurOwn, ReadWN
suhan-paradkar Link (opens new window) N/A
capthehacker99 Link (opens new window) Story Seedling, DarkStar Translations, Genesis Studio

* Shosetsu Universe contains sources of varying quality and origin produced by various community members.

# Add & Remove Repositories

# Adding

If you would like to test developer repositories or other third party repositories, follow the directions below to add them to Shosetsu.

# Steps

  1. Starting from your library, Tap "More"(...) on the navigation bar on the bottom.
    • Note: If you are using legacy navigation, open up the navigation drawer first.
  2. In the new view, Select "Repositories" that is symbolized by a shopping cart.
  3. Click the red circular button on the bottom with the plus sign (+).
    1. Enter in the name of the repository
    2. Enter in the URL of the repository.
      • Note: To check if the repository URL is working, you can put the URL into your browser search bar, suffixed by /index.json so the URL looks like YOUR_URL/index.json, you will be displayed json content of the repository index.
  4. Click "OK", the repository should be added if nothing goes wrong.
  5. Either click the prompt to refresh the repositories, or pull down on the list of repositories.
  6. If all goes well, you have succesfully added a repository to your application.

# Removing

Note: You cannot remove the default "Main" / "Universe" repositories from Shosetsu. These are built in, do not attempt to remove them, they will be added back.

You can only disable the default repositories.

# Steps

  1. Starting from your library, Tap "More"(...) on the navigation bar on the bottom.
    • Note: If you are using legacy navigation, open up the navigation drawer first.
  2. In the new view, Select "Repositories" that is symbolized by a shopping cart.
    • You will be provided a list of the repositories that are present in your application. Notice the (X) marks next to the switches.
  3. First, Toggle the switch of the repository you want to remove, making sure it is set off and looks grey.
  4. Either click the prompt to refresh the repositories, or pull down on the list of repositories.
  5. After the repositories have been refreshed, click the (X) button on the repository you want to remove
  6. Confirm that you want to remove said repository.
  7. If all goes well, you have succesfully added a repository to your application.

# Creating a repository

A Shosetsu repository is a developer tool to host extensions, libraries, and styles so that users can acquire said resources. To create a repository, one must either have a git repository or file server.

# Create the repository locally

The first step is to ensure that you have the repository ready to be pushed over the internet. Thus to creating a repository. A repository consists of the following standardized paths and files:


# Explanation of parts

# index.json

This is the main file that makes a shosetsu repo, a repo. This JSON file contains information on extensions, styles, and libraries available to download to Shosetsu. The JSON file follows the following structure:

	"libraries": [
	"scripts": [
	"styles": [
# libraries

This property states shared files that extensions in Shosetsu use.

This property is optional.

The data contained is basic, a name and version.

The name is used to download the file matching said name under the lib directory.

The following is an example:

	"libraries": [
			"name": "247truyen",
			"version": "1.1.2"
# scripts

This property states the extensions in the repository that can be downloaded.

This property is optional.

The data contained specify a variety of information, explained:

Property Explanation
name Friendly name of the extension
fileName File name of the extension, must match with file under src/$lang/
imageURL URL of the image to display as extension icon, suggested to be under icons/
id Unique ID of the extension, Ensure this is 1000000% unique
lang Language of the extension, following ISO 639-2/639-3/639-5 (opens new window). This will be used to find the file under src/, ex: src/eng/.
ver Version of the extension, following semantic versioning (opens new window), specifically only 3 numbers separted by 2 periods. Do not use any other format.
libVer Version of kotln-lib this extension was built for. If unsure, dump 1.0.0
md5 Hash of the extension, can be left blank. Primarily for security purposes.

The following is an example:

	"scripts": [
			"name": "CreativeNovels",
			"fileName": "CreativeNovels",
			"imageURL": "https://github.com/shosetsuorg/extensions/raw/dev/icons/CreativeNovels.png",
			"id": 911,
			"lang": "en",
			"ver": "1.0.3",
			"libVer": "1.0.0",
			"md5": "2ac8b2379560dac51930790615c7095"
# styles

This is not yet complete, come back another time ;p

# src

Folder to dump extensions under, ensure each extension is under a sub folder of its langauge code. Example:

# lib

Folder to dump libraries that shosetsu uses.

# icons

Folder to organize all extension icons under. It is good practice to have local copies of the extension icon, and subsequently also having a theme to them.

# Final steps

Now that you have the repo following the guidelines, review everything once more and move onto the next steps.

# Creating a repository via GitLab or GitHub

# Steps

  1. Create a repository, Name it however you like
  2. Follow instructions to push from your local directory to this repo.
  3. Congrats, you have hosted your repo online. It will now be ava to add to your app via the following URLs. Note the branch should be main or whatever you named it.
    • GitLab: https://gitlab.com/YOUR_NAME/REPO_NAME/-/raw/BRANCH/
    • GitHub: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YOUR_NAME/REPO_NAME/BRANCH/

# Creating a repository via file server

# Locally

On Linux, Run the following command in the terminal while in the directory of your repo.

python -m http.server

Output should be like the following:

Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

Follow Adding, but ensure the URL is your computers IP address, in the following format, with 8000 being the port python printed out http://###.###.###.###:8000/.

# Over the internet

# Self

Port foward, Have a domain, register with DNS, etc.


Have a domain, register, etc.